Bear with Heart Gallery staff

The first step on your adoption journey is learning about what exactly the journey entails. Adoption is a unique way to build your family while changing children’s lives and enriching your own. While becoming a family is the biggest benefit, the State of Florida has many more to offer.



Christian Age:  5 Years OldFSS – 108152177 Christian is a sweet and loving 5-year-old African American boy with a heart full of potential. He forms strong bonds with the adults in his life, easily connecting with those who offer him care, comfort, and support....

Railynn Camryn Jaymi

Railynn Camryn Jaymi

Siblings Railynn Age:  6 Years OldLSF- 109232684 Camryn Age:  5 Years OldLSF – 109232683 Jaymi Age:  7 Years OldLSF – 109232687 Stay tuned to learn more about Railynn, Camryn, and...

Harleigh & Elijah

Harleigh & Elijah

Siblings Harleigh Age:  9 Years OldYFA – 104934581 Harleigh is a lively 9-year-old Caucasian girl who is full of energy and always ready for adventure. She has a special love for unicorns, which brings a sense of wonder to her world. Harleigh is always on the...