Bear with Heart Gallery staff

The first step on your adoption journey is learning about what exactly the journey entails. Adoption is a unique way to build your family while changing children’s lives and enriching your own. While becoming a family is the biggest benefit, the State of Florida has many more to offer.



Hezekiah Age: 17 years oldFSS-101218550 Hezekiah is a funny teen who loves to share jokes and make others laugh. He is very sensitive and in touch with his feelings, and he truly has so much love to give. When he’s not playing on his tablet or listening to the...



Malachi Age: 16 years oldFSS-100827239 Malachi is a kind, thoughtful teen who loves football, basketball, and school. He’s on the honor roll, has a great sense of humor and loves to joke around and make things fun. An ideal day for Malachi would be to listen to Jazz...



BROOKLYN Age: 16 years oldLSF-103444449 Brooklyn likes to paint, draw, listen to music, watch funny videos on YouTube, you know… Normal kid stuff! In fact, if a family has younger children in the home, that would be just fine with her as she has a lot of love to...



Jeremiah Age: 14 years oldLSF-102185977 Funny, energetic, smart, and athletic, Jeremiah loves showing off his back flips–something he likes most about himself. When he is at the park, one his favorite places to go for fun, he loves to practice football and anything...



STEVEN Age: 16 years oldLSF-105042101 Steven is a caring energetic kid. He loves to play outside and with his friends. His friends would describe him as being a good friend and funny! In his free time, Steven likes to play video games, watch baseball and play outside!...



TERYNCE Age: 15 years oldID: LSF-103140713 Terynce is a 15-year-old Biracial teen boy with a passion for gaming and sports. He loves diving into Fortnite and enjoys both football and basketball, proudly cheering for the Patriots and the Lakers. School is important to...