Aaryn Age: 5 years oldBorn: November 2016LSF-105871888 Aaryn is a happy, strong-willed four-year-old who loves to be outdoors. She enjoys the water and playing on her iPad, and one of her favorite things is to watch Disney movies and sing along with her favorite characters. Her favorite movies are Moana and Frozen. A normal day for Aaryn involves waking up early for her medication and breakfast, then playing outside and getting some sunshine. Afterward, she comes in for lunch which requires special assistance, and then she is ready for a nap. After nap time, Aaryn is ready to play again. She likes to go on walks before dinner. Aaryn would thrive with a medically trained family that is loving, patient, and can keep an eye on her wandering, curious soul. Aaryn will take some time to warm up to you, but once she does, she shows her bright and sunny side. Photos Courtesy of Diana Joy...
ADOPTED: SIBLINGS: Lilian, Jaelynn, & Anthony

ADOPTED: SIBLINGS: Lilian, Jaelynn, & Anthony

MATCHED: Siblings Lilian Jaelynn Anthony Age: 13 years old Age: 9 years old Age: 7 years old LSF-103434670 LSF-102950301 LSF-104233142 Lilian is the oldest of her siblings. She is very creative and has many interests like reading, writing, making movies, and drawing. Lilian’s favorite subject in school is theatre and loves to listen to hype music. Lilian may not be sure what she wants to be when she grows up yet, but she’s excited to graduate. Her favorite food is mac n cheese and she also enjoys Outback Steakhouse. She wishes she had invisibility powers for the days she doesn’t like being seen. And if she had a pet, she would like to have a big friendly dog or a bird to be her companion. Lilian’s ideal family is one that will be able to take care of her and her siblings. She wants to see the world with them and take lots of photos to remember their adventures. Jaelynn’s favorite subject at school is science. She loves to play outside and on her tablet, and she enjoys watching soccer. If Jaelynn could have a pet she would love a dog. Her super power would be the ability to teleport anywhere she wants. Jaelynn likes to listen to Disney music and her favorite part of herself is that she is her own unique person. Jaelynn is spiritually inspired to be better every day, and if you talked to her best friend, they would tell you that Jaelynn is so nice and caring. Anthony is the youngest of the bunch and he is all about dogs. Anthony wants a dog...