Pinellas-Pasco Heart Gallery logo, "A Program of Gulf Coast JFCS"


Age:  13 Years Old

YFA – 105008534

Raina is a bright and gentle 13-year-old Caucasian girl with a passion for exploring the outdoors and discovering new things. She has a unique charm that shines through her love for animals, nature, and the vibrant world around her. Whether she’s playing outside, watching her favorite TV shows, curling up with a good book, or immersing herself in music, Raina finds joy in the simple pleasures of life.

Though she may be shy at first, those who take the time to get to know her quickly discover a caring and thoughtful spirit. Raina thrives in an environment filled with love and support, and she dreams of being part of a nurturing family with a mom and a dad—she’s also completely comfortable with having siblings in the home. With an innate need for understanding, patience, and encouragement, she blossoms in settings where compassion is abundant.