Pinellas-Pasco Heart Gallery logo, "A Program of Gulf Coast JFCS"


Age: 17 years old

Hezekiah is a funny teen who loves to share jokes and make others laugh. He is very sensitive and in touch with his feelings, and he truly has so much love to give. When he’s not playing on his tablet or listening to the Backstreet Boys, you can usually find Hezekiah going to the movies or watching a baseball game. He enjoys the park as well, but his #1 favorite spot to hang out is in the comfort of his room.

Hezekiah thrives with a daily routine and one of his current favorite past times is researching mythical creatures and exploring fantasy and sci-fi worlds!

Hezekiah would love to be a part of a family who has a mom, dad, and maybe some younger siblings. He loves to learn math, he hopes to become a bus driver when he grows up, and he’s looking forward to sharing all of his hopes and dreams with his future forever family.