because every child deserves a home

Children First Innovation Fund

putting children first

The Gulf Coast JFCS Children First Innovation Fund is focused on helping children in foster care system find their permanent ‘forever family’ by lessening obstacles.

The Gulf Coast JFCS Children First Innovation Fund, together with our Heart Gallery of Pinellas and Pasco, offers innovative solutions to raise awareness of the critical need for child adoption to potential adoptive parents while helping reduce barriers in the adoption process behind the scenes. 

Make an Impact:

A gift to the Children’s First Fund supports expanding awareness for adoption, helping children and families receive the needed support before, during and post adoption to thrive in the future.  Contributions will:  

  • Support adoption awareness events and promotions
  • Help children in foster care access timely, mandated therapy 
  • Sponsor group outings for children in foster care- so they can experience “just being kids!”
  • Provide support to child welfare case managers reducing burnout and resulting turnover, which otherwise delay adoption.

How To Make Your Contribution:

Donate directly online below OR

Direct your contribution by written correspondence, either email or letter, to Gulf Coast JFCS Children First Innovation Fund.

Kelly Jordan, Vice President of Philanthropy
727-479-1800 |

Edwin is adopted

Help Make Adoption Possible

Gulf Coast JFCS launched the Children First Innovation Fund to direct philanthropic contributions to address the most critical needs in our community, especially additional hardships in the aftermath of historic hurricanes. Helping our community’s foster children remains a priority — providing them the loving, stable home where they can thrive.