Tree of Life Circle
Tree of Life Circle LOGO

When one person struggles, we all struggle.
When we lift each other up, we repair the world.

Becoming a member of Gulf Coast JFCS Tree of Life Circle directly translates into serving the most vulnerable Floridians.

Your special investment will:

  • Provide safety net provisions such as food and housing support
  • Find adoptive families for the hardest to place children
  • Offer care and comfort to the often forgotten or isolated elderly
  • Afford teens, adults and families the opportunity for the education, job training, or behavioral health resources needed to build a productive life

Why the Tree of Life?

“I found a fruitful world because my ancestors planted it for me.  Likewise, I am planting for my children.”

-Talmud, Taanit 23A

Join today to protect the vulnerable, strengthen individuals and empower families.

Annual Giving Levels

$7,200 – Essential Root

$5,400 – Sustaining Branch

$3,600 – Gold Leaf

$1,800 – Silver Leaf

$1,000 – Bronze Leaf

Member Benefits

Priority Impact Investment

Input toward additional funding support for Gulf Coast JFCS priority programs

Special Briefings

Invitations to Tree of Life Circle gatherings as well as quarterly emailed briefing offering deeper insights and connection to mission impact

Young Professional membership – (35 years old or younger)

3-year pledge commitment to total the full annual total gift

Tree of Life Circle Donation Form

Your contribution can be made online here or by mailing a check.

Individual contributions of $1,000 or more qualify for recognition in the Gulf Coast JFCS Tree of Life Circle.

To arrange payment options beyond those provided online, or for more details, please contact:

Kelly Jordan, Vice President of Philanthropy