Behavioral Health


Our Services

Mental health challenges shouldn’t define an individual’s life. Gulf Coast JFCS Behavioral Health programs encompass resources and support to help individuals manage mental health and substance abuse issues.

Each of these programs equips individuals with needed skills and resources to empower them to build their lives and ultimately gain independence.

Person moving furniture at a residential facility

Residential Treatment Facility Fund

Treating and healing mental health diagnoses and addiction occurs most effectively in a homelike, nurturing environment. Infusing belief in each person’s potential combined with specialized therapeutic resources in a homelike environment brings transformative new beginnings to hundreds of individuals each year. This therapeutic, nurturing approach is just part of the success made possible in our Residential Treatment Facilities (RTFs). 

Gulf Coast JFCS has launched a special Residential Treatment Facility Fund to direct philanthropic contributions to help ensure our Residential Treatment Facilities can remain home-like spaces. From a fresh coat of paint to new sturdy and comfortable furniture to new floors, the therapeutic communities at Adele Gilbert, Darlington & ARTS Residential Treatment Facilities need our support to remain trusted resources for healing. 

photo of trees by lake

Adele Gilbert Residential Treatment Facility

Adele Gilbert Residential Treatment Facility is a 16‑bed-level 2 state-licensed residential treatment program in Pasco County for adults who have a diagnosed mental illness and may have co-occurring substance abuse issues.  The program accepts non-violent forensic referrals that would be better served in a community setting.  Services include medication management and education, recovery-oriented life skills training, psychosocial rehabilitation, substance abuse counseling, individual therapy, and other supports for up to three or eight months.

Contact Information

2425 Chatlin Road
Holiday, FL 34691
P: 727.943.4847
TTY 711

Record transfer requests can be made via fax to 727.450.7282


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Adult Residential Treatment and Stabilization

Adult Residential Treatment & Stabilization (ARTS) provides a supportive community-based living environment.  The residents are individuals 18 and older that have an extensive history of severe and persistent mental illness (SPMI). ARTS, a 16-bed facility, serves individuals who can live with supports in a structured living situation. Therapeutic activities are developed to provide a safe, nurturing system in which each resident may reach his or her potential for independent living. The primary focus of the program is to assist the residents in developing skills that will enhance their quality of life and improve their daily functioning, interpersonal skills, and potential for more independent living. Scheduled visits to local cultural activities, vocational training opportunities when appropriate, and outings which allow for physical recreation are all key to true community reintegration and genuine personal growth.

Contact Information

201 NE 40th Court
Oakland Park, FL 33334
P: 954.887.1900

Record transfer requests can be made via fax to 727.450.7282


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Alternative Family Program

Alternative Family Placement (AFP) is based on the therapeutic foster home concept of trained sponsors. They open their homes to no more than five adults or seniors with mental illness and welcome them into their families. With over 219 beds in 71 licensed care homes covering a 36-county area, sponsors provide 24-hour client supervision, care, and support in exchange for a monthly stipend.

Contact Information
Fort Myers Area
Serving Collier, Charlotte, Glades, Hendry, & Lee Counties
Pasco Area
Serving Pasco County
Gainesville/Daytona Area
Serving Flagler, Volusia, Levy & Bradford Counties
Sarasota Area
Serving DeSoto, Manatee & Sarasota Counties
Lakeland Area
Serving Polk, Highlands & Hardee Counties
South Florida Area
Serving Broward County
Orlando Area
Serving Orange, Osceola and Seminole Counties
Tampa Bay Area
Serving Pinellas & Hillsborough Counties
couple sitting on couch, man taking notes

Community Assistance & Life Liaison Program (CALL)

The Community Assistance and Life Liaison program (CALL) is a program led by Gulf Coast JFCS in partnership with St. Petersburg Police Department. A team of clinical staff and community navigators are dispatched to non-violent, non-criminal calls to provide a therapeutic, wrap-around response.  The CALL program responds to intoxication, drug overdose, mental health crisis, suicide intervention, truancy, homeless complaints, and neighborhood disputes.

Contact Information

In case of emergency, please dial 9-1-1.
Your request will be routed as needed by St. Petersburg Emergency dispatchers.

Contact information for general program inquiries:

14041 Icot Blvd
Clearwater, FL 33760
P: 727.479.1800


Community Support Hubs

Community Support Hubs, or Hubs, provide accessible care addressing the needs of the community by providing trauma-informed behavioral health, case management services, and assertive outreach.

Led by Gulf Coast JFCS with collaborating partner People Empowering and Restoring Communities (PERC), Community Support Hubs are a City of St. Petersburg American Rescue Plan (ARPA) project funded through the Pinellas Community Foundation.

Contact Information

1427 22nd Street South
St. Petersburg, FL 33712
Phone: 727.479.1800

photo of man talking

Darlington Residential Treatment Facility

Darlington Residential Treatment Facility is a 16-bed residential treatment program serving individuals who are 18 and older who are diagnosed with a severe and persistent mental illness who may or may not also have a co-occurring substance abuse disorder. Residents remain for 3-9 months in a home-like environment where they receive medication management services, psychosocial rehabilitation groups, individual counseling, case management and life skills training including cooking and cleaning within the facility.

Contact Information
3142 Darlington Road
Holiday, FL 34691
P: 727.943.4840
TTY 711

Record transfer request can be made via fax to 727.937.4506

couple sitting on couch, man taking notes

Forward Together

Forward Together helps youth, and their families, who are experiencing criminal legal involvement to reduce recidivism, reduce further criminal involvement for siblings in the household, and reduce further escalation of criminal severity as a result of voluntary participation. 

Forward Together provides individualized wrap-around support services to youth and their families including:

  • Providing navigational support including:
    • Counseling and other psychiatric services,
    • Emergency Financial Assistance,
    • Reducing short-term barriers to immediate employment,
    • Coaching and individualized parenting education,
    • Referrals to shelters and additional housing referrals,
    • Referrals to additional Gulf Coast JFCS programs as appropriate,
    • Additional external services as deemed appropriate to meet youth and family needs.
  • Reducing transportation barriers and other systemic barriers to use of community resources.

Operating under the CALL partnership between Gulf Coast JFCS and the St. Petersburg Police Department, youth served by Forward Together are referred by the St. Petersburg Police Department and reside within Pinellas County.

The Community Assistance and Life Liaison program (CALL) is a program led by Gulf Coast JFCS in partnership with . A team of clinical staff and community navigators are dispatched to non-violent, non-criminal calls to provide a therapeutic, wrap-around response.  The CALL program responds to intoxication, drug overdose, mental health crisis, suicide intervention, truancy, homeless complaints, and neighborhood disputes.

Contact Information

In case of emergency, please dial 9-1-1.
Your request will be routed as needed by St. Petersburg Emergency dispatchers.

Contact information for general program inquiries:

14041 Icot Blvd
Clearwater, FL 33760
P: 727.479.1800

elderly woman smiling prevention services

Prevention and Intervention Services

Prevention and Intervention Services provide substance abuse services for adults in Pinellas, Pasco, and Hillsborough counties. We offer presentations focusing on the prevention of substance abuse and increasing healthy behaviors in our communities. For individuals who present with risk factors for substance misuse, we provide in- home services for individualized screening, assessment, and intervention through education, short-term problem solving, advocacy, referral, and follow-up to reduce risk factors and the need for more extensive treatment.

Alcohol/Substance Abuse Warning Signs
  • Changes in sleeping patterns
  • Persistent irritability
  • Unexplained chronic pain
  • Unusual restlessness or agitation
  • Complaints of blurred vision or dry mouth
  • Changes in eating habits
  • Slurred speech
  • Tremors
  • Frequent falls or unexplained bruising
Medical Misuse Warning Signs
  • General loss of interest
  • Memory trouble after taking medication
  • Loss of coordination
  • Being unsure of oneself
  • Having trouble concentrating
  • Excessive fatigue or wakefulness
  • Confusion about medication use
Depression Warning Signs
  • Being easily upset
  • Social isolation
  • Lack of energy
  • Increased forgetfulness
  • Neglecting self-care
  • Crying easily
  • Believing that one can’t do anything worthwhile
  • Feeling hopeless or overwhelmed
  • Thinking life isn’t worth living
Contact Information

14041 Icot Blvd.
Clearwater, FL 33760
P: 727.479.1803


woman with special needs sitting outside

The project described was supported by Grant Number 6H79TI084551 from the Department of Health & Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

Quick Response Team

The Quick Response Team (QRT) is a program led by Gulf Coast JFCS in partnership with Pinellas County Human Services Department and Pinellas County Safety and Emergency Services. The Quick Response Team comprises both case managers and peer specialists who respond to referred individuals who were recently treated with naloxone or who are at risk of overdose. Services include risk assessment, safety planning, peer support, community stabilization, and a Naloxone Education and leave behind.

Contact Information

14041 Icot Blvd.
Clearwater, FL 33760
P: 727.479.1800

To Request a Free Naloxone Kit:

Email to request a free Naloxone kit.  

Kits are for individual use in event of a potential overdose and may be requested by both individuals and organizations withing the Greater Tampa Bay area.

See attached resource list for further support options.

woman with special needs sitting outside

Supported Housing/Living Program

Supported Housing/Living Program assists over 75 individuals with serious mental illness or co-occurring substance abuse issues to live independently in the community.  Services include obtaining affordable housing, developing readiness for work or volunteer activities, vocational job and coaching, and helping to strengthen daily living skills.  Services are provided in Hillsborough, Pasco, and Pinellas Counties.

Community & Home-Based Rehab

Assisting consumers with developing goals, locating affordable housing, developing a budget, and linkage to outside services as needed.

Support Services

Providing direct assistance with daily living skills, side-by-side individual support, and mentoring.

Vocational Coaching

Assisting members with skills required to interview for and obtain a job, and provides support once employment is obtained.

Referrals Come From

  • Residential treatment facilities
  • Psychiatric units
  • Jails
  • Other community service providers

All referrals must have a completed Supported Housing Application in addition to a recent psychiatric evaluation.

Download a Supported Housing Application

Contact Information

14041 Icot Blvd.
Clearwater, FL 33760
P: 727.479.1803
