Forward Together helps youth, and their families, who are experiencing criminal legal involvement to reduce recidivism, reduce further criminal involvement for siblings in the household, and reduce further escalation of criminal severity as a result of voluntary participation.
Forward Together provides individualized wrap-around support services to youth and their families including:
- Providing navigational support including:
- Counseling and other psychiatric services,
- Emergency Financial Assistance,
- Reducing short-term barriers to immediate employment,
- Coaching and individualized parenting education,
- Referrals to shelters and additional housing referrals,
- Referrals to additional Gulf Coast JFCS programs as appropriate,
- Additional external services as deemed appropriate to meet youth and family needs.
- Reducing transportation barriers and other systemic barriers to use of community resources.
Operating under the CALL partnership between Gulf Coast JFCS and the St. Petersburg Police Department, youth served by Forward Together are referred by the St. Petersburg Police Department and reside within Pinellas County.
The Community Assistance and Life Liaison program (CALL) is a program led by Gulf Coast JFCS in partnership with . A team of clinical staff and community navigators are dispatched to non-violent, non-criminal calls to provide a therapeutic, wrap-around response. The CALL program responds to intoxication, drug overdose, mental health crisis, suicide intervention, truancy, homeless complaints, and neighborhood disputes.