Honoring Dr. Marcie Biddleman with the “Diane Granito Heart of Gold Award”


Gulf Coast JFCS and the Heart Gallery will honor Dr. Marcie Biddleman with the “Diane Granito Heart of Gold Award” at their annual Heartstrings Luncheon on February 13, 2020 at Feather Sound Country Club.

Diane Granito established the first Heart Gallery in 2001 to raise awareness about adoption and to find homes for older children and sibling groups in protective custody. She developed the idea from the photographer (and adoptive mother) Cathy Maier, to have talented photographers create inspiring portraits of children awaiting adoption.

The community’s energy and generosity created an impetus which resulted in Heart Galleries opening nationwide.


Honoring Dr. Marcie Biddleman with the “Diane Granito Heart of Gold Award”