Florida Non-Custodial Parent Employment Program


FL NCPEP Application Details

The Non-Custodial Parent Employment Program (NCPEP) within the Florida Department of Commerce is designed to assist non-custodial parents find employment with earnings that allow them to become self-sufficient; increase the payment of child support by the non-custodial parent.

For questions regarding applications to the Non-Custodial Parent Employment Program (NCPEP) within the Florida Department of Commerce, please email NCPEP@commerce.fl.gov. 

FloridaCommerce Award Announcement

FloridaCommerce awarded more than $6 million to qualified organizations through the Non-Custodial Parent Employment Program (NCPEP). Nine awards went to the organizations below that will assist Floridians with employment to create a pathway to self-sufficiency and increase their ability to consistently meet child support payments. The NCPEP enables Floridians to achieve self-sufficiency and overcome challenges that otherwise inhibit their ability to elevate their family’s opportunities.

  1. CareerSource Palm Beach
  2. CareerSource Southwest Florida
  3. CareerSource Broward
  4. Central Florida Urban League
  5. CareerSource Heartland
  6. CareerSource Brevard Flagler Volusia
  7. Cornerstone Connection
  8. Young Fathers of Central Florida
  9. CareerSource Suncoast
Florida Commerce
Florida Commerce


Florida Commerce

Website Administrator

NCPEP Application Cycle Information

Cycle closes:
Thursday, June 27, 2024, at 5:00 pm (ET)

An equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
All voice telephone numbers on this website may be reached by persons using TTY/TDD equipment via the Florida Relay Service at 711.