Pinellas-Pasco Heart Gallery logo, "A Program of Gulf Coast JFCS"


Age: 12 Years Old
LSF – 11024753

Ashlynn is a vibrant 11-year-old Caucasian girl who brings delightful energy to all her interests. She loves roller skating, diving into arts and crafts, and playing with her Barbie dolls. Gymnastics is another passion of hers, and she looks up to Simone Biles as a source of inspiration for her own athletic aspirations. She is also interested in reading and comics, and Ashlynn dreams of becoming a teacher one day, hoping to share her love of learning and creativity with others.


Ashlynn is a kind-hearted child who is working hard to manage her emotions and challenges. With the right support and understanding, she continues to grow and make progress each day. She thrives in environments where patience and encouragement are abundant and cherishes the love and support of those around her.